Les pedres. In situ., is an exhibition that brings together the different phases of the creative process of 'Les pedres. L'assaig ' (A training/Essay for Les pedres), a short diptych of fiction and documentary, aims to highlight the search for narrative, style, and form in a feature-length fiction film.
The exhibition consists of three main themes:
Les pedres. L’assaig (The Essay) (2)
HD Video / 16:9 / Color / 21’ 51’’
2K Video /16:9 / Color / 19’ 22’’
Entre dones Digital print on cotton paper 11.7 x 16.5 ines
Amb les mans 16mm film, magnetic tape, and 2K transferred to HD / 16:9 / 4’ 6’’
Passar de passar pel tub Carpet and acrylic 78.7 x 59.1 inches
Enamorament, Marta Sureda. Collage 21.7 x 18.5 inches
Selection of three collages from Comuna infantil, Marta Sureda (2013-2017) 9.4 x 7.5 inches. Paper frames by Joan Corominas
Selection of fice photographs from Nóstos, Anna Bayó (2017) 8.3 x 11.7 inches / 5.9 x 7.7 inches / 22 x 24 inches.
Selection of eleven sculptures from Silvestre, Oihane Inchaustegui (2016-2017) Wood and vinyl. 10 x 10 inches.
Apropiacionisme Acrylic 7.9 x 7.9 x 5.1 inches Filter 5.1 x 4.1 x 1.6 inches.
No tocar Acrylic 16.3 x 1..8 x 1.4 inches LED HD projection / 16:9 / Color / 1’ 22’
The production of this project has been made possible thanks to Museu de la Mediterrània, Diputació de Girona, Generalitat de Catalunya, Festival Inund’art, Ajuntament de Girona, Bòlit. Centre d’Art Contemporani and Institut Ramon Llull.
anna@annamitja.com / +34 616 132 746